Application Template

You have access to the blog service and a now attbute


  • Key: title, Value: Ember Ghost, Type: string
  • Key: description, Value: Static Blog System - Built with Ember, Type: string
  • Key: logo, Value: , Type: undefined
  • Key: coverImage, Value: /images/blog-cover.jpg, Type: string
  • Key: coverMeta, Value: , Type: undefined
  • Key: navigation, Value: [object Object],[object Object], Type: object
  • Key: twitter, Value: , Type: undefined
  • Key: facebook, Value: , Type: undefined
  • Key: host, Value: , Type: undefined


first navigation object:

link to each navigation:

Post Page

model is a hash of post which is the current post and posts which is all posts


  • Key: title, Value: Welcome to Ember Ghost, Type: string
  • Key: content, Value: Hey! Welcome to Ember Ghost, it's great to have you :) We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial **Getting Started** posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time. This is the first one! ### There are a few things that you should know up-front: 1. Ember Ghost is designed to be a static site version of the amazing [Ghost blogging platform]( 1. Ember Ghost is designed for developers who know how to deploy a satic site (folder of html files and assets) using something like S3 or even just on NGINX. 1. If you are slightly less tech savvy or if you want to manage your blog outside of just a set of files in a git repo we highly recommend signing up for [Ghost]( ### Quick Start ```sh # if you don't have ember-cli installed already npm install -g ember-cli ember new super-blog cd super-blog ember install ember-ghost ember-ghost-casper-template ``` It will ask you if you want to update the `index.html` file and you should say yes 👍 If you want to see the blog system running on your local machine just run `npm start` and you will be able to navigate to [http://localhost:4200](http://localhost:4200) to see the blog in action. --- The main thing you'll want to read about next is probably: [editing files with Ember Ghost](/the-editor/). Once you're done reading, you can simply delete the default **Ghost** user from your team to remove all of these introductory posts! , Type: string
  • Key: html, Value: <p>Hey! Welcome to Ember Ghost, it's great to have you :)</p> <p>We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial <strong>Getting Started</strong> posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time. This is the first one!</p> <h3 id="thereareafewthingsthatyoushouldknowupfront">There are a few things that you should know up-front:</h3> <ol> <li><p>Ember Ghost is designed to be a static site version of the amazing <a href="">Ghost blogging platform</a></p></li> <li><p>Ember Ghost is designed for developers who know how to deploy a satic site (folder of html files and assets) using something like S3 or even just on NGINX.</p></li> <li><p>If you are slightly less tech savvy or if you want to manage your blog outside of just a set of files in a git repo we highly recommend signing up for <a href="">Ghost</a></p></li> </ol> <h3 id="quickstart">Quick Start</h3> <pre><code class="sh language-sh"># if you don't have ember-cli installed already npm install -g ember-cli ember new super-blog cd super-blog ember install ember-ghost ember-ghost-casper-template </code></pre> <p>It will ask you if you want to update the <code>index.html</code> file and you should say yes 👍</p> <p>If you want to see the blog system running on your local machine just run <code>npm start</code> and you will be able to navigate to <a href="http://localhost:4200">http://localhost:4200</a> to see the blog in action.</p> <hr /> <p>The main thing you'll want to read about next is probably: <a href="/the-editor/">editing files with Ember Ghost</a>.</p> <p>Once you're done reading, you can simply delete the default <strong>Ghost</strong> user from your team to remove all of these introductory posts!</p>, Type: string
  • Key: image, Value: /images/welcome.jpg, Type: string
  • Key: imageMeta, Value: [object Object], Type: object
  • Key: featured, Value: true, Type: boolean
  • Key: date, Value: Tue Jun 12 2018 17:59:59 GMT+0000 (UTC), Type: object
  • Key: tags, Value: getting-started, Type: object

accessing the author

you can access the author by accessing
  • Key: name, Value: Ghost, Type: string
  • Key: image, Value: /images/ghost-icon.png, Type: string
  • Key: coverImage, Value: , Type: undefined
  • Key: coverMeta, Value: , Type: undefined
  • Key: content, Value: <dummy@model:author::ember191:ghost>, Type: object
  • Key: website, Value:, Type: string
  • Key: twitter, Value: , Type: object
  • Key: facebook, Value: , Type: object
  • Key: location, Value: , Type: object
  • Key: posts, Value: <DS.PromiseManyArray:ember192>, Type: object

link to the author

link to the tags